
Do you have bloating or gas? It could be SIBO



SIBO stands for Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth.

Unlike the large intestine, the small intestine should have relatively few bacteria. Too many bacteria in the small intestine, can cause digestive issues and other symptoms in the digestive tract and throughout the body. When you eat certain foods, these bacteria start rapidly fermenting the carbohydrates before properly breaking them down, creating gas. In the large intestine, this fermentation is normal, but when it happens in the small intestine, it can be quite uncomfortable and problematic. SIBO has been shown to negatively impact the structure and function of the small intestine. It may interfere with digestion of food, absorption of nutrients, and can damage the cells lining the small intestine.   

What are the symptoms?

The most common symptoms of SIBO are

  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Skin problems
  • Halitosis (bad breath)
  • Muscle aches, pain and weakness (fibromyalgia)
  • Brain Fog

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DuPage Family Wellness Helps with Shoulder Problems

  • Shoulder Pain Relieved

    Dr. Tripp,
    I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated everything you've done for my shoulder pain. I have been to chiros in the past but not with these results in this short of time. In 4 sessions with you, I was amazed how much relief and lack of pain I had. I would definitely recommend you.
    Once again - Thank you so much,


  • Shoulder Moves Better Now!

    I was having a problem with my left shoulder. It hurt when I lifted it to the side, and the range of motion seemed to be reduced. Dr. Tripp worked on my neck, and it was improved right away. After doing it a couple times, it seemed as good as new. The problem has not recurred.  Thanks Dr. Tripp

  • 1

Helping Pregnant Women with Back Pain

It has been found that about  50-70% of women experience back pain at some point during their pregnancy. It is easy to see understand how this would happen since the average weight gain is 25-35 pounds. As the woman’s center of gravity moves forward, the curve in her low back increases. This in addition to hormonal changes can cause severe back pain.

Many women have no idea what to do in this situation because they don’t want to take medicine that can be harmful to the baby. Chiropractors can offer all natural relief to back pain in this situation. According to the American Pregnancy Association, seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy can help with

  • Maintaining a healthier pregnancy
  • Controlling symptoms of nausea
  • Reducing the time of labor and delivery
  • Relieving back, neck or joint pain
  • Prevent a potential cesarean delivery

How often should I see a chiropractor during pregnancy?

Obviously every patient is different, but Dr. Tripp typically recommends coming about as often as a woman sees her OB. This would mean approximately once a month during the first trimester, twice a month during the second trimester, and weekly during the third trimester.  

What else can I do?

  • Get regular low impact exercise such as walking or swimming at least 3 times a week
  • Avoid high heels, instead wear flat comfortable shoes with good arch support
  • Use a pregnancy or body pillow when sleeping, and try to sleep on left side
  • Wear a support belt under lower abdomen


Shin Splints: A Pain in the Leg that You Shouldn't Have to Live With

Shin splints is a general term to describe the pain that many runners and other athletes get in the front or even backs of their lower legs. This pain is often brought on by increases in training, long periods or standing, or beginning an activity after being sedentary. The actual pain of shin splints, otherwise known as medial tibial stress syndrome, is an irritation of the periosteum (outer layer of bone) on the tibia. This typically occurs because of fatigue or trauma of the muscles and tendons that attach to the bone.
There are a few reasons that some athletes may be more prone to having this painful condition.

  • Flat feet and over pronation (rolling feet inward) when walking
  • Wearing old/worn out shoes
  • Running on uneven surfaces
  • Increasing training regimen too quickly
  • Athletes who are fatigued after a long season of running (i.e. soccer, cross country)

Many people think that having pain in their shins is just a necessary evil that goes along with running, but it is important to have looked at, and there is a lot that can be done to treat and prevent it. Shin pain with running should not be ignored, because if it continues to progress it can lead to stress fractures.
A few things that can be done to treat and prevent shin splints:

  • Get new running shoes every 300-400 miles
  • Take some time off running, or spend more time cross training to allow inflammation a chance to settle down (biking and swimming are great options)
  • Use a bag of ice or an ice cup massage after running (to do an ice cup massage, just freeze water into a 3 oz Dixie cup, and rub over shins after workout)
  • Perform stretches of the shin and calf
  • Come into the office for an Active Release technique treatment. This will reduce tension and scar tissue.

With the Chicago marathon, cross country season, and many other races quickly approaching, runners are putting in more miles than ever.  If you or someone you know is experiencing shin pain, or has any questions feel free to give Dr. Tripp a call at (630) 448-0255. 


Kinesio Tape Speeds Healing: The Proof is in the Pictures

Have you ever seen sand volleyball or track athletes in the Olympics with long strips of blue, black, or pink tape down their arms or legs and wondered what this was? It is called Kinesio Tape and it is used to help heal many different conditions. The tape mimics the skin, and microscopically lifts the skin to improve blood flow and lymph drainage. Because it is made of cotton, it is comfortable, breathable, and can be left on for 3-5 days. It is water resistant, so it can survive showering and swimming.

Some conditions that can benefit from the use of Kinesio Tape are:

  • Sports injuries
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Shoulder pain
  • Knee pain
  • Foot pain
  • Back pain
  • Bruises

Bruise Before Treatment     Bruise With Kinesio Tape     Bruise After Treatment

Dr. Tripp was hit with a line drive while pitching in a coed softball game. After 2 days of limping around she put Kinesio Tape over her large bruise.  Not only did the area under the tape heal more quickly than the rest of the bruise, but the overall pain decreased dramatically once it was taped.  

If you are having pain and are wondering if Kinesio Tape could help, call us today at (630) 448-0255. 

Foot Pain: Could it be Plantar Fasciitis?

Do you have a nagging pain on the bottoms your feet? Is it worst when you take your first steps in the morning, or after sitting for a long period of time? You may have plantar fasciitis. This is a painful condition in which the fascia or other structures on the bottom of the foot become inflamed. It is a common condition that many people just deal with and don’t realize that something can be done for it!

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We treat the whole body!

Any part of the body can have pain, strains, sprains,  or weakness. Call today so we can help you live the life you love.