Whether you are struggling with fertility, already pregnant, or are a new mom, you deserve gentle compassionate chiropractic care. Treating women who want to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy is a huge passion of mine.
Preconception, prenatal, and postpartum patients will benefit from a holistic approach to health. Some of the methods we include with you in mind are the Schaefer protocol and Webster Techniques.
In addition, many of our wellness programs can have a huge impact on your body during this special season of life.
- The Schaefer Protocol
- The Webster Technique
- Chiropractic Adjustments
- Active Release Technique (ART)
- 7 weeks of Real Food
You will truly be empowered through research-based information on healthy living and natural healing methods!
What is the Schaefer Protocol?
One out of eight couples struggle with infertility. If this is you, the Schaefer Protocol can help. It focuses on 8 essentials of a healthy couple. While it is valuable for everyone, it is especially beneficial for those trying to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy. And, yes, this is important for dad too!
Chiropractic adjustments, nutrition, hydration, ideal movement, mindfulness, stress management, healthy sleep, glyconutrients, and supplementation are all part of the protocol.
When you support your body through the Schaefer protocol you are able to remove any barriers to your health and give your body what it needs to flourish. A well-supported healthy body is the foundation of a healthy pregnancy.
What is the Webster Technique?
Just over 30% of all births in the U.S. were by c-section. Many of these were due to the position of the baby, abnormalities of the pelvis, or lack of strong enough coordinated uterine forces.
The Webster Technique is a specific assessment and chiropractic adjustment to be used on pregnant women throughout pregnancy. It addresses many of these issues and prepares women for a safer and easier birth.
While it was created with the pregnant patient in mind, this technique is meant to balance the bony and ligamentous structures of the pelvis and sacrum, and thus can be used on anyone with a spine and pelvis! It is a great adjustment for those trying to conceive.
Ideally, these adjustments would begin as soon as pregnancy starts, or even during the preconception period! However, it is never too late to begin. You will still benefit from these assessments and adjustments at any time in your pregnancy.
Chiropractic Care & Active Release Technique (ART)
It’s not normal to have pain or muscle tension throughout your pregnancy. Chiropractic adjustments along with Active Release Techniques (ART) can address the pain and be a huge part of your healing.
Even if you are not in pain, chiropractic care supports healthy nervous system function. Since your nervous system allows your brain to communicate with the rest of your body, including all of your organs, it is crucial during preconception, prenatal, and postpartum.
As your body comes into alignment, your nervous system is able to function more effectively. This opens up the pathways for optimal communication in your body. Chiropractic is a valuable part of your preconception, prenatal, and postnatal treatment.
7-Weeks of Real Food
The standard American diet leaves us undernourished, but there is a lot of contradicting information about what constitutes a healthy diet. In 7-Weeks of Real Food, you will learn how to eat real food to give your body (and baby) what they need.
Proper nutrition has a huge impact on health and balanced hormones, which is beneficial to every stage of your life. Sometimes it is hard to know what is best, so this program will lead you each step of the way.
You will learn which changes to make, how to make them, and why they are important for your health! Through this online self-paced course, you will develop the tools and strategies necessary to prepare healthy food throughout your pregnancy (and for a lifetime)!
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the leading causes of infertility in women, but half the women that have it don’t know they do. If you are in the preconception stage and struggling to get pregnant this may be an issue for you.
BALANCED is a 6-month online program designed specifically for women with PCOS to get to the root of their symptoms and address them naturally. This research-based approach keeps you from having to wade through confusing messages.
You don’t need to jump right to expensive fertility treatments. Lifestyle changes may be sufficient to address your PCOS symptoms naturally, bring your hormones into balance, and prepare your body for conception!
Every woman’s body is unique, so every treatment plan will look different. With all these options, let’s work together to come up with a plan to give your body what it needs to thrive!
Dr. Jamie