Chiropractors have been thoroughly trained in the diagnosis of a multitude of health conditions ranging from common to severe.  Patients should feel comfortable with the fact that, not only is Dr. Tripp Thomure is skilled in treating a wide range of health conditions, but she is also skilled in recognizing problems that may require the attention of other medical professionals.

Chiropractic Adjustment

Traditional Chiropractic care involves adjusting or mobilizing joints in the body.  This can be done in the spine, neck, and other joints such as the hips, wrists and feet.  It is done to help correct biomechanical imbalances, alleviate pain, and restore normal body function.

Active Release Techniques (ART)

Active Release Techniques is a therapy that treats soft tissues such as muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia and nerves. The main purpose is to break up scar tissue, adhesions, trigger points, or “knots”. It can also successfully improve circulation, release entrapped nerves and improve the flexibility of the muscle and surrounding fascia.  This helps to decrease pain and improves mobility.

We treat the whole body!

Any part of the body can have pain, strains, sprains,  or weakness. Call today so we can help you live the life you love.