self care 5 minIt’s twelve days until Christmas, so you probably don’t have a lot of time for self-care. You might not even have enough time to read this article. So, I’ll make this short for you!

Let’s look at some things you can do to take care of yourself in 5-minutes or less.

  1. Put on a cozy sweater or sweatshirt
  2. Open the window for a cool breeze
  3. Massage or stroke your face
  4. Do some jumping jacks
  5. Meditate
  6. Smile (extra credit if you can make yourself laugh)
  7. Wrap one gift
  8. Dance
  9. Tell yourself or someone else a joke
  10. Gaze at the stars
  11. Yoga (hold the child’s pose)
  12. Take some deep breaths
  13. Stare at nature
  14. Declutter your nightstand
  15. Give yourself a foot massage
  16. Put on some makeup
  17. List three positive things about yourself
  18. Close your eyes letting the sunshine on your face
  19. Diffuse your favorite scent
  20. Play with your pet
  21. Make a list of everything on your mind
  22. Do a sudoku or crossword puzzle
  23. Hug a loved one
  24. Open your blinds
  25. Be completely still
  26. Listen to your favorite song
  27. Apply a face mask
  28. Sit in your car in silence
  29. Pick a mantra to focus on
  30. Step outside or go for a walk
  31. Sing your favorite song
  32. Mindfully drink your coffee 
  33. Eat a piece of dark chocolate
  34. Stretch your body
  35. Progressively tense and relax your body
  36. Apply lotion to your body
  37. Doodle or color
  38. Look at old pictures

Remember, you deserve to enjoy your holiday. It’s more important to be present with your loved ones than it is to try to make everything perfect. So, please be kind to yourself this holiday season.  

Dr. Jamie