should you drink waterWe have been told for years that we need to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Then it became one ounce of water for every 2 lbs. of body weight. So, why don’t I drink plain water anymore?  

Well, we need water, but we also need all sorts of minerals. Water filtering systems typically strip away most of these minerals. If you are drinking just plain water (especially if you have a lot of it), you can dilute the complex mineral-rich fluids in your body. 

The fluids in your body aren't made up of straight H2O, so it doesn’t make sense for us to drink water without minerals in it. You need to stay hydrated, so what do you do instead? 

Let’s look at why this is important and how to know if you are staying hydrated; then we can explore the best ways to hydrate your body. 


The Benefits of Proper Hydration

Without water you starve every cell in your body, preventing them from working at their best. It is important for digestion, energy levels, blood volume, and your skin, but did you also know that it is important for your mind?  

According to Dr. Hyman, “Water is so essential for our brains that a loss of just 1-2% can significantly impact our cognitive function, making it harder to focus, concentrate, make decisions, or even connect with others.” 

Prioritizing your hydration will help your body and mind function more effectively. With these tricks you can get a handle on your body's hydration. But first, let's check to see what your body is telling you about your hydration. 


How Do I know if I'm properly Hydrated?

There are a few signs you can look for in your urine to see if you are properly hydrated. Of course, there are many factors to consider (pregnancy, prostate size, etc.), but these are general rules of thumb. 

  • Color - the color of your urine should be not too light, but not too dark either. If you have super light almost clear pee, you are likely drinking way too much plain water. 
  • Frequency - once you start hydrating better you often actually need to use the bathroom much less. Four to five trips to the bathroom per day can be pretty standard. 
  • Timing - waking up at night to use the bathroom can be a sign that something with your hydration might be off. 


Adrenal Cocktails

I started utilizing Adrenal Cocktails to help my body stay hydrated without diluting my minerals. These cocktails are mineral-rich drinks that focus on supporting sodium and potassium levels. It also contains Vitamin C which helps in the utilization of these vitamins and provides bio-available copper.  


There are many ways to make adrenal cocktails, but mine simply consists of… 

  • 1 cup coconut water 
  • the juice of 1 lime
  • 1/4 tsp salt

I make it in the morning and take it with me to work every day, so I can sip it between meals. I am doing a better job of staying hydrated and have noticed an improvement in my skin and energy. Check out these Adrenal Cocktail Recipes to see if anything looks good.


Gel Water

In the book Quench, gel water is described as a “newly identified phase of water that’s not quite liquid, vapor, or ice. (It is) identified by an extra hydrogen and oxygen atom, so the molecular structure is H3O2.” Gel Water exists in plants and can be found in fruits, vegetables, & seeds.  

While ancient cultures didn’t know the chemistry behind this type of hydration, it was used to sustain them in very dry conditions where water was scarce. In fact, the Aztecs and Incas are thought to have often subsisted on only chia and cacti going weeks without water. They could probably survive this way because these plants are full of gel water! 

I make sure all of my water is some form of Gel Water. You can make gel water by adding… 

  • the juice of a lemon or lime to water.
  • a little salt. 
  • trace mineral drops (5 drops of trace minerals per cup).
  • having straight bone broth (drink it plain or enjoy it in soups and stews).  

While I do drink 1-2 cups of coffee or tea most days, I am intentional about pairing them with food. They don't impact my stress hormones as much as they would on an empty stomach.

trace minerals

*This is my favorite brand of trace minerals.


Quick Tips for Hydration 

  • Have an Adrenal Cocktail (or 3) each day.
  • Start your day with 16 oz of gel water before you put anything else (including coffee) in your system.
  • Add citrus fruits like grapefruit, oranges, or limes to your water throughout the day.
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Not only are they full of gel water, but they also contain naturally occurring electrolytes and are high in fiber which helps the body’s ability to absorb gel water.
  • Drink and cook with bone broth. It is full of both collagen and gel water.
  • Cook with coconut and ghee. Both are full of gel water and electrolytes.
  • Boost the mineral content of your water by adding salt to it. Try for 1/16 t. for every 8 oz. of water you drink.
  • Add Trace Mineral Drops to your water


Your body will thank you when you use these tips to make hydration a priority! 

Dr. Jamie 

P.S. Go drink some gel water!


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