Healthy Lifestyle

Dr. Jamie is now a Kresser Graduate

kresser grad canva

I am excited to announce my completion of the ADAPT practitioner training at the Kresser Institute. This was a year long training program in functional medicine.  
As a functional medicine doctor it is my goal to help you get to the root of your health concerns and lead you into a higher level of wellness. While conventional medicine often focuses on treating symptoms of disease, functional medicine helps to uncover underlying problems. We honor the body as an interconnected whole, with a deep understanding of the impact that the environment has on an individual.

I look forward to working with you whether you are battling chronic issues, facing a new health concern, or simply want to enhance your body's ability to stay well.  Give us a call if you are ready to take those next steps towards health. We will support your body's ability to heal through natural treatments such as dietary changes, nutritional supplements, stress management, sleep, etc.  Together we can discover what may be holding you back and what a holistic approach to your health can do for you!

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7 Tips for a Healthier Halloween

Halloween Tips

Today is the one day of the year most known for excessive candy intake. If you have been following along with my weekly emails, you know that this goes against everything that I teach!! But what to do about it? Here are my healthier Halloween tips! You might not be able to follow all of them, but listening to just a few might keep you from going candy crazy!
  1. Read the Ingredients! Whenever I am temped by a piece of processed food, I look at the ingredient list.  Reading about ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup, food coloring, and hydrogenated oils reminds me that it is NOT REAL FOOD after all, and that I really don't want to eat it.
    Recently, a colleague told me that they now have changed their mindset about food to the point that reading poor ingredients allows them to view processed food (e.g. a Snickers Bar) more like an object (e.g. their spiral notebook) rather than food. I don't know if I am quite there yet, but I'm working on it.

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Happy 2 year Blogiversary!

Happy BlogiversaryThis week we are celebrating 2 years of writing weekly blog posts (Minus a few months of maternity leave!)

For those of you who are new here (or just need a reminder!), I wanted to highlight some of my favorite articles that have been published in the past few years!

If you have any friends who you feel would also enjoy following along, please share this post with them and encourage them to subscribe! Our goal is the spread the health as far as we can, and to help as many people as possible live the lives they love!


Weekly Wellness Challenges:

We have published 23 Weekly Wellness Challenges of topics ranging from drinking water, de-stressing, to prioritizing your life! Here are a few of my favorites! 

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Wellness Warrior Community Event

Fire Cracker 5KThe Warrenville Firecracker 5k is coming up in just over a month! It is on the morning of July 4th at 8:00 am! I am going to have a booth at this event (after all, it is right across the street from my office!).

Please Join Me!!  

One of my goals is to build a community of people who are STRIVING to THRIVE!! People in this community are intentional about eating good nutrient dense foods, moving their bodies, sleeping well, and decreasing their stress.  Additionally, one of the MOST IMPORTANT factors in THRIVING is playing an active role and having good relationships in their local community!! This was discussed in detail back in our article called “Want to Live to 100?” 

I am building my TRIBE of WELLNESS WARRIORS and I think that the Warrenville Firecracker 5k would be a great first community building event! It incorporates movement (I don’t care if you walk, run, or come out to stand and cheer with me at my booth!), supports the community, and helps all of us build better in- person real relationships with other like-minded people!

What is a Wellness Warrior?

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10 Ways to Improve Your Health & the Health of the Planet

Happy Earth Day! Happy Earth Day

Over the past year, I’ve given you many ideas to improve your wellness in the form of weekly wellness challenges. Today I want to link back to some of those, as well as a few articles from alternate websites that I love that I haven’t written about just yet! You can incorporate these ideas to improve your own health while helping the health of the planet!

  1. Walk more, drive less Sitting all day at work, and then going home to sit in front of the TV is dangerous for your health. Review Weekly Wellness Challenge #5 to find ways to get more steps in your daily routine.
  2. Spend time outside. There are benefits of spending time in nature including increased movement and sunshine exposure! As you spend more time out in nature, you will deepen your appreciation for our world and your desire to preserve and improve it! Get more ideas in Weekly Wellness Challenge # 12- Spending More time Outside. 

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Upcoming Events for Healthy Living

Event CSA Info

There are a few events coming up that I want to tell you about! They support local businesses (shop local), and eating real food.

DuPage County CSA Expo

Saturday April 8 is the DuPage County CSA Expo

What is a CSA? It stands for Community Supported Agriculture. The gist is that you pay a set fee up front for crops for the entire summer! It is great for the farmer because they can focus on tending to and harvesting from their fields, rather than finding individuals to sell their crops to each week.  It is great for the consumer because you get a variety of locally grown vegetables, eggs, and more depending on the Farm you choose. Different farms run their CSA's in different ways (e.g. different crops, sizes of boxes, and frequency of pickup, cost). Since this event features 20 different local farms, it gives you the opportunity to meet the farmers themselves, learn about them, their farms, and how their CSA works. You can sign up if you are interested! 

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