foods people are afraid to eatIt’s not only kids that avoid certain foods. Many adults who don’t consider themselves picky eaters avoid certain foods as well.

Some people are afraid to eat specific foods because they have been told they are unhealthy, while others think they will taste bad. 

Let’s look at 5 foods that many people avoid and tear down the myths that surround them. You might be surprised that the following foods have many health benefits and actually taste good!


Red Meat

Many people think that red meat is unhealthy, raising your cholesterol and setting you up for heart disease. However current research shows this is not true.

According to Dr. Chris Kresser, “despite what you’ve heard, red meat is an extremely healthy and nutrient-dense addition to your plate.  It’s a great source of vitamin B12, Vitamin d, Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, Copper, Cobalt, and more.” 

For more information about the benefits of red meat check out his article Red Meat: The Food They Love to Hate or download his eBook The Truth About Red Meat.



Eggs have gotten a bad reputation over the years. It makes me sad that so many people are afraid of cholesterol, because cholesterol in our diet is not the enemy!

Studies have shown that eating eggs does not affect blood cholesterol in 75% of the population and only modestly increases LDL and HDL cholesterol in the rest of the population. These studies have found that eating eggs does not increase the risk of heart disease. 

To learn more about why your body actually needs cholesterol check out my blog post Bacon & Eggs: Healthy or Not.



Quality Oils & Fats

Many patients are afraid to incorporate fats into their diet, believing that eating fat will make them fat. 

However, there are several essential fatty acids that our bodies cannot make, and if we don’t consume them it may show up as inflammation, fatigue, poor memory function, heart issues, depression, dry skin, or other unpleasant symptoms. 

Eating fats is incredibly important, but eating the RIGHT fats is the key! For more on this check out my blog post Are You Eating Enough Fat.


Organ Meats

Many people shudder at the thought of eating organ meats. They may have memories of being forced to eat it at grandma’s house. But with the right recipe it can actually be delicious.

Since Dr. Chris Kresser believes that “liver is the most nutrient-dense food on the planet,” it might be worth trying it again. If you really don’t like the taste of organ meat, try putting one chicken liver in each cube of an ice cube tray. Freeze them and then dice up one chicken liver to add to other meat dishes you are making.” 

To learn more about the nutritional value of organ meat, check out a blog post by my sister, Joelle Kurczodyna, NTP. The Single Food That Had the Greatest Impact on My Health.


Fermented Foods   

While fermented foods are often thought to taste bad, if made well they can be quite tasty. This can be done with some drinks and many vegetables.

Fermentation preserves nutrients, and breaks nutrients down into easily digestible forms. Fermented foods contain helpful probiotics that can have a positive effect on inflammation, digestive issues, immune system function, as well as cognitive function. 

For more on the benefits of fermented foods and some recipes, check out my blog Make & Eat Your Probiotics.



There is so much false information about nutrition these days. It’s hard to know what to believe. I don’t want you missing out on these nutritious foods because of the myths surrounding them!

Dr. Jamie