blog carrot saladI am not one to promote quick fixes or miracle cures. If you know me at all, you know that I am all about helping people to eat more real and nutrient-dense foods.... however, there have been 2 things that I have implemented this year that I feel have made a huge impact on my health. One of these is the Carrot Salad.

I am going to tell you something that is probably way too much information for some of you, but for me, the combination of the adrenal cocktail plus the carrot salad is the one thing that helped me move from more constipation to much better BMs.

Did you know that carrots can have a huge impact on your health? It’s true! In fact, many people eat a carrot salad every day for the health benefits.

According to Dr. Ray Peat, who has a Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Oregon,  the fibers in raw carrots clean the intestine and improve your gut health. You may think this to mean carrots are like any other fiber that is good for your digestion, but it’s so much more complex.

Let’s take a look at the full impact a daily intake of carrots can make on your health and find out some delicious ways to incorporate them into your diet. 


What Does it Help?

The three main things that Peat recommends eating raw carrots daily for are digestive health, thyroid function, and hormonal balance. While these conditions may seem pretty isolated and specific, difficulty in any of them can lead to all kinds of serious health problems.

He admits that “it might sound stupid to recommend raw carrots for severe health problems, such as chronic inflammation, liver problems, and hormonal imbalances.” However, when you understand the connection between the gut and the overall health of the body, it begins to make sense. 


Let’s look at the Gut

Gut health affects more than just the digestive system in your body. The immune, neurological, and cardiovascular systems are all impacted by your gut.

  • Immune system - Many people believe that 70% of your immune system lives in your gut and that having an appropriate balance of bacteria is crucial for your immune system to function properly. An overgrowth of bacteria or fungus can disrupt the balance in the gut leading to a depressed immune response.
  • Brain - Your gut also impacts your brain in a direct way. Imbalances in the gut can lead to anxiety and depression. In the same way, stress can lead to gut troubles. If you question the connection, just think about the butterflies people get when they are excited or nervous. The brain and gut work together and impact each other in many ways.
  • Heart - Gut health even affects your heart. According to Women’s Health Arizona, “certain types of gut bacteria convert the nutrient, choline, into a problematic substance called trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO, for short). Unfortunately, elevated levels of TMAO can contribute to a higher risk of stroke, blood clots, and other conditions.”
  • Digestion - Trouble with digestion can lead to intestinal inflammation, which can cause irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and diarrhea. Intestinal inflammation can actually lead to the intestine leaking endotoxins and inflammatory mediators into the bloodstream. This can poison the liver and the energy-producing system of our cells, leading to chronic inflammation and hormonal problems (high estrogen and low thyroid).


Why Raw Carrots?

Carrots contain fibers that minimize the overgrowth of bad bacteria and fungus. As Peat says “raw carrots are extremely good at cleaning the intestine because they contain fibers with anti-microbial properties.”

You may understand the benefits of the fiber in carrots, but you may not be familiar with the antimicrobial effects. Since carrots grow underground they need to protect themselves from the moist environment. To do this carrots produce antibacterial and antifungal substances. This micro-microbial compound can also help prevent bacterial and fungal overgrowth in our intestines.


Raw Carrots for Binding excess Estrogen

I especially recommend the Raw Carrot salad for someone who is having symptoms of estrogen dominance. Peat also explains that “the fibers of raw carrots bind toxins such as estrogen and endotoxins and carry them out from the body through the digestive system. This is great for detoxification and keeping our estrogen in check.

Here of some of the symptoms of excess estrogen. If this sounds familiar I would give a daily raw carrot salad a try. 

  • Bloating or puffiness
  • Feeling irritable or experiencing mood swings
  • Heavy, painful periods
  • Gaining weight or difficulty losing weight (especially around hips, butt, and thighs)
  • Being told that you have fibroids
  • Often crying over nothing
  • Migraines or other headaches
  • Brain Fog
  • Gall bladder problems or had Gall bladder removed


How to Consume the Carrots

For the purposes of this article, it is important to eat the carrots raw. When you cook or juice carrots the fiber is destroyed. It can also release carotene which has anti-thyroid effects. 

If you don’t want to eat 1-2 raw carrots per day you can try Peat’s famous carrot salad. This salad has the ability to greatly improve your health.

  • Big carrot shredded lengthwise (I like to use the cheese grater on my food processor and make a big batch at the beginning of the week)
  • Coconut oil, MCT oil, or olive oil (1/2 TBSP per carrot)- I prefer coconut oil
  • Apple cider vinegar(1/2 tsp per carrot)
  • Salt (to taste, but I am generous!)

Here are some additional add-ins to spice up your carrot salad if you get bored

  • Raw beets
  • Raisins
  • Cheese (like feta or goat)
  • Apples
  • Pineapple
  • Whatever else you think of to try! Let me know if you come up with a good one. 


These combinations may actually be better for you than a plain carrot, because the saturated fat (oil) and the acetic acid (vinegar) maximize the germicidal effect of the salad.


If you are open to trying one of the carrot salads listed above, I would love to hear about your experience.  Did you like it? Have you noticed any health benefits? This is something that I would try to add to your routine daily, and see what you notice!

Dr. Jamie