Use Chiropractic to Help Consitpated BabiesMost people think of a chiropractic adjustment as a treatment to relieve back pain. Did you know that infants can benefit from chiropractic care??

What are babies known for doing? Eating, sleeping, and pooping, right?

If my 6 month old goes a day without pooping, I know that it is time to check out her spine. This has happened 4 times in her life! Each time, I found that the top of her intergluteal cleft (more commonly known as the "butt crack") had veered to one side or the other. This tells me that her sacrum isn't quite balanced, which can impact her colon. The adjustment for this is a soft contact on a certain ligament at the base of the sacrum with Logan Basic Technique. It is a gentle procedure, with a powerful impact.  I am 4/4 on helping her to have a bowel movement within an hour of this adjustment, and twice it happened within 5 minutes!

Chiropractic can also help with reflux, colicky babies, or babies that prefer to turn their heads one direction.

Think about the process of being born. Whether the baby comes out naturally, gets taken out with forceps or vacuum suction, or is a C-section, birth is a traumatic event for a tiny human. Since babies can't talk, crying is their only way to tell us that they are uncomfortable. If you have or know a baby that cries more than you'd expect, they might be feeling after effects from their birth. A simple adjustment might help!

Chiropractic is also important during later transitions like learning to walk, since the baby is constantly falling on their bum.

Want to learn more? Chat with us on Facebook, or shoot Dr. Thomure an email! 

Dr. Jamie Thomure